Network Supervisor's Toolkit
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T h e A u r o r a E d i t o r Q u i c k R e f e r e n c e
This Quick Reference briefly summarizes all The Aurora Editor library
functions documented in The Aurora Editor Users Guide (A.DOC). For
documentation on native macro language functions, see "The Aurora
Macro Language Guide".
Library functions are listed by category. Each library function is
followed by the default key definition (if any), and a brief
description. User-specified arguments to library functions are
enclosed in [bracket] characters.
newf <Ctrl-N> new edit window
askopen <Alt-E> open prompt
askopenins <Alt-I> insert file prompt
askopenb open binary prompt
openlast <Alt-Z> open last window
wrdlod CSetB <Ctrl-]> open file at cursor
refresh refresh file from disk
askname <Alt-N> rename prompt
name [filename] rename filename
open [filespec] [options] open filename/directory
opena [filename] open a .A file
save <F3> save current file
save [filename] save filename
asksaveas save-as prompt
fmgr <F4> display file manager
quit %p close file & window
gquit %p <Alt-X> close all windows
quit %f save file and close window
gquit %f save file and close all windows
wquit %p <Ctrl-K-Q> close window
fquit %p <Alt-Q> close file
fquit %f <Ctrl-X> save and close file
fnex <Ctrl-Del> next file
fpre <Ctrl-Ins> prev file
flis <Alt-Hyphen> display file list
about display about box
hlp [major] [minor] display User's Guide
qref <Shift-F1> display Quick Reference
wlis <Alt-W> display window list
wres restore window
wkey <Ctrl-F5> move/size window
wkey %p <Ctrl-F6> pan video background
wmin minimize window
wmax <Ctrl-Z> maximize window
wnex <Ctrl-A> next window
wpre prev window
wcopy <Ctrl-C> copy window
wspl %h <Alt-H> split window horizontal
wspl %v <Alt-V> split window vertical
wcasc <Shift-F5> cascade windows
wtileh <Shift-F4> tile windows horizontally
wtilev <Shift-F3> tile windows vertically
wtool <Ctrl-F8> display tool bar
winsty <Ctrl-F7> change window style
wppt change prompt style
wrtv %p <cursorup> retrieve prev prompt
wrtv %n <cursordown> retrieve next prompt
menb <Esc>, <F10> to last menu bar item
men <Alt-F10> to last pull-down menu
menh <F1> help pull-down
men2 <Alt-T> to last tool bar control
mens [submenu] display submenu
Cursor Movement
left <cursorleft> move cursor left
right <cursorright> move cursor right
up <cursorup> move cursor up
down <cursordown> move cursor down
cptop <Ctrl-Home> to page top
cpbot <Ctrl-End> to page bottom
cmov @ 1 <Ctrl-PgUp> to file top
cmov @ (qtexend) <Ctrl-PgDn> to file bottom
cmov [x] [y] to [x], [y] (abs or rel)
chome <Home> to column one
ceol <End> to end of line
clast <Ctrl-Hyphen> to last cursor position
ctab <Tab> tab right
ctab %l <Shift-Tab> tab left
cwrd %l CSet <Ctrl-Left> find left word
cwrd %r CSet <Ctrl-Right> find right word
ladj @ -1 <Keypad-5> center cursor
ladj @ 1 <Ctrl-F9> scroll to page top
ladj @ (qwinp @ %y1d) <Ctrl-F10> scroll to page bottom
askbset set bookmark prompt
bset <Ctrl-2> quick bookmark
bset [bookmark] set bookmark
askbget go to bookmark prompt
bget <Ctrl-6> to previous bookmark
bget [bookmark] go to bookmark
askglin <Ctrl-J> go to line prompt
glin [line] go to line
askgcol go to column prompt
gcol [column] go to column
mloc @ %t <Ctrl-B> find top of block
mloc @ %b find bottom of block
cfld <Alt-7> go to next fold
cfld %r go to prev fold
finm <Alt-F3> find matching char
finc <Alt-F7> go to compiler error
scry (- (ypagsiz)) <PgUp> scroll up
scry (ypagsiz) <PgDn> scroll down
scry (- (/ (ypagsiz) 2)) scroll up 1/2 page
scry (/ (ypagsiz) 2) scroll down 1/2 page
scry -1 <Ctrl-Up> scroll up one line
scry 1 <Ctrl-Down> scroll down one line
scrx (- (xpagsiz)) <F7> scroll left
scrx (xpagsiz)) <F8> scroll right
Modifying Text
cmtog <Ins> toggle insert mode
enteredit <Enter> enter key
delch <Del> delete character
baksp <Backspace> delete left character
undo <Ctrl-U> undo last change
undo %r <Ctrl-Y> redo last change
lins %a <Ctrl-Enter> insert line w/autoindent
lins %c insert line
ldel <Ctrl-Backspace> delete line
lspl <Alt-S> split line
ljoin <Alt-J> join line
leol <F6> erase to end of line
leol %l <Alt-F6> erase to beginning of line
wrddel CSet <Ctrl-T> delete right word
wrdcas [options] [CSet] change case of a word
ldup <Alt-4> duplicate line
lswp <Alt-5> swap line
lcen <Alt-6> center line
lcom <Alt-F1> comment/uncomment line (//)
lcom [string1] [string2] comment/uncomment line
lit <Ctrl-[> enter literal character
wasc <Alt-=> display ascii chart
txt [string] enter a string at the cursor
stamp <Ctrl-K-T> date/time stamp
exptab <Ctrl-K-X> expand tabs
OS Commands
askoscmd %ck <Alt-F9> DOS command prompt
os [cmd] [options] execute DOS command
askoscap <Alt-F8> DOS capture prompt
oscap [cmd] [options] capture DOS command output
osshell <F9> exit to DOS
mset %l <Alt-L> mark line
mset %r <Alt-B> mark column
mset %s <Alt-A> mark character
wrdmrk CSet <Alt-1> mark word
meol <Alt-2> mark to end of line
mpgh %tb <Alt-3> mark paragraph
mdes <Alt-U> unmark
mcpy <Alt-C> copy block
mcpyp <Alt-C> copy block to prompt
mmov %o <Alt-O> overlay block
mmov <Alt-M> move block
mmov %of <Ctrl-M> move block over
mdel <Alt-D> delete block
mshf 1 <Shift-F8> indent block
mshf -1 <Shift-F7> unindent block
askmfill <Ctrl-K-F> fill block prompt
mrfl %b <Alt-R> reflow block
mrfl %br <Alt-Y> reflow & right justify block
msave <Ctrl-K-S> save block
msave %a append block
msrt <Ctrl-K-O> sort block
mcase %l change block to lower case
mcase %u <Ctrl-K-U> change block to upper case
mcase %ul flip case of block
mjust %l left justify block
mjust %c <Ctrl-K-C> center block
mjust %r right justify block
print %m <Alt-P> print block
clpcpy %d <Grey-> cut
clpcpy %ad <Ctrl-Grey-> cut append
clpcpy <Grey+> copy
clpcpy %a <Ctrl-Grey+> copy append
clppst <Grey*> paste
clppst %o <Ctrl-Grey*> paste over
clpclr <Ctrl-Grey/> clear clipboard
askclp clipboard name prompt
lfld %b <Alt-8> fold next line
lfld %t fold prev line
mfld %f <Alt-F> fold block
mfld %uaf fold block flat
lfld %u <Alt-G> unfold line
lfld %ua unfold line flat
lfld %bs <Alt-9> unfold next line
lfld %ts unfold prev line
mfld %u unfold block
mfld %ua unfold block flat
mflda %ua <Alt-0> unfold all
Search and Replace
askfind <Ctrl-F>, <F5> find prompt
askrpl <Ctrl-G> replace prompt
search [string] find/replace
finl <Ctrl-L> do last find/replace
askscan <Ctrl-S> scan prompt
print <Ctrl-P> print
print %d <Ctrl-P> print file mgr contents
print %m <Alt-P> print block
prtstr [string] print string
askprtset print settings prompt
prtfil [filename] print filename
wmwrap <Ctrl-W> word wrap toggle
wmautoi autoindent toggle
wmvtab variable tabs toggle
wmsmtab smart tabs toggle
wmmat match character toggle
wmbak file backup toggle
wmtran <Alt-F4> text translation toggle
wmdraw <Ctrl-D> line draw toggle
sdraws [0/1/2/3/4] line draw style
asktabw tab width prompt
asktabv variable tabs prompt
asklmrg left margin prompt
askrmrg right margin prompt
askind paragraph indent prompt
askdefx file extensions prompt
askbin binary line length prompt
askdlm line delimiter prompt
vfont %t <Ctrl-F1> toggle video mode
vfont [columns] [rows] change video mode
setsav save current settings
setres restore settings
Key Macros
krec <Ctrl-R> record key macro toggle
kplay <Ctrl-E> play scrap key macro
kdel <Ctrl-I> erase scrap key macro
kdel %a erase all key macros
askkopen key macro open prompt
kopen [filename] open key macro file
askksav key macro save prompt
ksav [filename] save key macros to filename
kcat assign scrap key macro to key
opena %acfg display configuration (ACFG.A)
opena %akbd display key defs (AKBD.A)
opena %amen display menu defs (AMEN.A)
opena %atrn <Alt-F5> display translate defs (ATRN.A)
askmcmd <Ctrl-V> macro command prompt
askmrun run macro prompt
askminc include macro prompt
askmcom compile macro prompt
mcmd [expression] evaluate macro expression
mrun [filename] evaluate macro file
minc [filename] include macro file
mcom [filename] compile macro file
Miscellaneous Functions
say [message] [options] display message on title bar
mbox [title] [message] [options] display message box
ask [prompt] [title] [width] user prompt for string
askbox [title] [options] menu box prompt
keyx [key prefix] define compound key prefix
askkrep <Ctrl-Q-Q> repeat last key command
dn get fmgr filename at cursor
moubegmrk [x] [y] [options] begin mouse mark
moumovmrk [x] [y] extend mouse mark
mouendmrk [x] [y] end mouse mark
winsizt [l] [t] [r] [b] [reps] [options] resize current window
qwrd [char set] get the word at the cursor
qwinmin test if window is minimized
qwinmax test if window is maximized
qtimdat return date/time
File Manager
fpar <Ctrl-Backspace> parent directory
fopen <Enter>,<e>,<o>,<z> open file/directory
fopen %b <b> open binary file
fopenk <k> open key macro file
fmov <m> move file
fcpy <c> copy file
fdel <d>, <Del> delete file
fren <n> rename file
frun %c <r> run program/batch file
fprt <p> print file
fatt <a> change file attributes
ftch <t> touch file
fcred create new directory
fmtog <Space Bar> mark/unmark file
fmrk <Alt-M> mark all files
fumrk <Alt-U> unmark all
fsrt %n <Alt-N> sort by name
fsrt %s <Alt-S> sort by size
fsrt %d <Alt-D> sort by date
fsrt %o <Alt-O> no sort (DOS order)